Why choose Energize Software?


We respond promptly to your questions and concerns. As professionals, you can depend on us doing what we say we will do. No flakiness here!

Details, Details, Details

We pay attention to details. Some Web sites have alignment and other presentational issues. As an example, we make sure our Web sites have proper margins around pictures and text, and make sure items are aligned properly.

Every browser has its own unique display issues, and content is not displayed the same in each. We do our best to make sure your site looks great in Internet Explorer (7,8,9), Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome. In addition, since we also develop apps for the Apple iPhone and iPad, we also verify correct operation of your Website on those devices. It is the "fit and finish" that makes us different.

Excellent Communications

We know most people like to be kept informed as to the progress of their Web site. We maintain a high degree of communications with our clients and provide previews of how a particular Web page will appear in order to get your feedback and fine-tune the visual and functional elements of your site.

Make it Easy To Use

Many Web sites today have a lot of flash, animation and fancy graphics, but many times it adds no real functionality. Instead it gets in the way, slows the site down, adds clutter, and frustrates the users. People want to find information on the internet as efficiently as they can.

At Energize Software, we believe in keeping the site streamlined and concise, and put emphasis on making it easy to use for the users, so that they will have a better experience on your site.

Web Standards

The Web pages we create follow current web standards as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium. Whenever possible, our pages conform to the XHTML 1.0 Strict standard. In addition, modern CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are used to give flexibility to the presentation of your Web page.

Back-end programming that accesses databases has full error checking incorporated into the code. Security of the site is also a prime consideration.

Happy Clients

Our clients are very pleased with our work. We turn their initial ideas into reality. Please check out some of our testimonials from satisfied clients.

Technical Knowledge and Experience

With our experience and knowledge in both front-end (XHTML,CSS,Javascript) and back-end (PHP, MySQL) web development processes, we can apply our skills to give your site a professional, modern look, while at the same time making it easy to use.

Our owner, Greg Morris, has over 25 years of software development experience across many platforms, and also holds a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering.

Contact us to develop your Website.